New Graphic Design Briefing Template for Print Projects

A lot can happen in a month - blink and you might’ve missed a feature or release that helps you solve a problem. Our latest feature helps graphic designers set up their own creative brief template for print projects:

? Briefing Template for Print Projects

Templates are one of the cornerstones of HolaBrief. Our discovery framework is something that our users often modify and make their own to accelerate their processes and save time. We already have briefing and discovery templates for Branding projects, Social Media Projects, Website projects, App projects, Advertising, and Video production. As of now, we are so proud to introduce a new briefing template for Print projects. This briefing template for graphic designers serves as a starting point for everything related to print. 

What makes this briefing template different is the Print and Content Specifications section. In these sections, you can ask your client to fill in details on exact specifications on finishings, sizings, paper quality, or who is responsible for the copy.

With our new graphic design briefing template, you’ll have everything you need in one place to sign off the deliverables and start creating your magic.

In the future, you can expect a growing comprehensive library of templates to use and modify.  

? Improvements

Reply to comments.

It was already possible to leave comments to your team members (or clients) within your HolaBrief project. Finally, now it’s possible to actually reply to a specific comment. Awesome!

Reorder questions and elements in your HolaBrief sections.

Before it wasn’t possible to reorder questions in your briefing template. Now you can drag&drop questions or other elements of your sections in order to make the template your own.

? Bug Fixes

Edit mode. 

We fixed some bugs when Edit Mode was toggled on or off that improved the experience for the user. The drag&drop works better and we improved performance.

Have more feature requests or improvement wishes? Write to us with your suggestions and we’ll be all ears. ?