Screenshot Guide

Author Onboarding Hub

Taking Screenshots

{"time":1662662140528,"blocks":[{"id":"DQVagnjr7C","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Anonymize screenshots as much as possible, especially for ghostwritten or “attribution TBD” articles. Most ContentLab articles are posted on client’s blogs, often without a specified author or under the name of one of their team members. So, your information shouldn’t be visible in screenshots. Even for articles published under your name, we want to maintain professionalism and ensure your privacy, so be aware of any personal information visible."}},{"id":"fPilyB0Hpb","type":"list","data":{"style":"unordered","items":["Blur or cover personal information, such as your name, email address, account details, or API key. Keep the image as clean as possible, favoring a simple blur effect or grey box over hand-drawn lines or heavy pixelation. ","In rare cases where you are screenshotting sensitive information, be extra cautious by using effects that can't be reversed. "]}},{"id":"D04dr8qPDR","type":"image","data":{"file":{"url":""},"caption":"","withBorder":false,"stretched":false,"withBackground":false}},{"id":"XgWVprOOQ1","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Show what’s necessary — and only what’s necessary. Before taking a screenshot, consider how much of the UI to include."}},{"id":"qWwWFoiUwt","type":"list","data":{"style":"unordered","items":["Hide or crop out unnecessary details, such as your bookmarks bar or other open tabs.","If you zoom in too close on a certain area, such as a set of buttons, it may not be immediately clear where this is in the interface.","If you zoom out too far, you risk including unnecessary whitespace and making important information too small to see. ","When working with responsive layouts, consider resizing your window to capture the optimal view. "]}},{"id":"28UatHakoP","type":"image","data":{"file":{"url":""},"caption":"","withBorder":false,"stretched":false,"withBackground":false}}],"version":"2.25.0"}

Annotating Screenshots

{"time":1662662140532,"blocks":[{"id":"B3o0QvwtDq","type":"list","data":{"style":"unordered","items":["Choose easily visible colors. ","Limit text in annotations. Instead, highlight information with arrows and circles, then provide details in the body text of the article. Consider that some readers may access your article on a mobile device, where image will be small. As well, some may use a screen reader, so you should always include important details in the body text.","Use an annotation tool to draw arrows and circles rather than drawing them by hand. ","If there is a built-in way to represent a selection or action, annotation may not be necessary. "]}},{"id":"YyTIsXaJ5a","type":"image","data":{"file":{"url":""},"caption":"","withBorder":false,"stretched":false,"withBackground":false}}],"version":"2.25.0"}

Submitting Your Files

{"time":1662655848261,"blocks":[{"id":"pUndi8iHi_","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"When you submit your article, be sure to include your images in-line in the shared document. Please also upload them to the corresponding Worksuite task in a .zip folder."}},{"id":"G2SkkpKIWl","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Most clients will rename files for SEO purposes, so we don’t need you to spend time choosing the best possible file names. Instead, we want to keep file names clear and simple."}},{"id":"kBMJDUmCPs","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"The preferred format is numbered files: 1.png, 2.png…"}},{"id":"-Lcokk4Xm4","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"You can also choose to add a description at the end: 1_ConfigurationSettings.png…"}}],"version":"2.25.0"}