Article Formatting Instructions

Author Onboarding Hub

Formatting Content

{"time":1662656304659,"blocks":[{"id":"16ZwA4A4Ic","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"When pasting in text from another document, you may inadvertently transfer alternate formatting along with your text. Be sure to highlight your transferred text and apply the correct styles. If you’re having trouble applying styles, try clearing formatting."}},{"id":"78oylRK0OJ","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Add a blank line between each paragraph. Add a blank line before and after code samples, images, and lists. Do not add blank lines before or after headings or titles."}},{"id":"wuW0vbVCTU","type":"header","data":{"text":"Paragraph and Character Styles","level":3}},{"id":"gQqtVlLbKG","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"All the styles you need to format your article are in the Styles gallery:"}},{"id":"I9_-IbVCPL","type":"image","data":{"file":{"url":""},"caption":"","withBorder":false,"stretched":false,"withBackground":false}},{"id":"XjvNeY7H3l","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Article body: Use this style for body paragraphs. Body paragraphs should be size 11 Arial with no spacing before or after lines. (Instead of paragraph spacing, we separate paragraphs with blank lines.)"}},{"id":"Qj7hWTdpsr","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Code sample: Consolas, size 10. Use this style for blocks of code."}},{"id":"lSJr5cmIpv","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"In-line code: Consolas, size 11. Use this style for snippets of code or code elements inside body paragraphs. Only apply this style to the code itself and not surrounding spaces or punctuation."}},{"id":"1hLNq8KpXQ","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Heading 1: Use this style for top-tier headings in your article."}},{"id":"t8tgXATi63","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Heading 2: Use this style for subheadings in your article."}},{"id":"haqvrxjD_t","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Heading 3: Use this style for an added hierarchy level only when necessary. Try to avoid using Heading 3 in your articles."}},{"id":"LY06H5Kpql","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Title: Use this for your article title."}}],"version":"2.25.0"}

Formatting Lists

{"time":1662656402907,"blocks":[{"id":"z6OuvfSZsb","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Use bulleted lists by default. Only use a numbered list if the items have a specific order. For example, use numbered lists for ordered steps in a process."}},{"id":"OmTUz_qqVl","type":"list","data":{"style":"unordered","items":["Only add a period to the end of items on your lists when they form complete sentences.","Don't use semicolons or \"and\" after list items","Use Word's built-in bullets. Do not add special characters or dashes in place of bullets. "]}}],"version":"2.25.0"}

Formatting Code

{"time":1675434552316,"blocks":[{"id":"bUUd9bGNY4","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Please paste in code as plain text and apply the appropriate style. Do not place code in tables or text boxes. Do not apply additional formatting. Indent code in code blocks with two or four spaces. Do not indent code with tabs. For in-line code, do not add empty brackets/parentheses after functions."}},{"id":"kvyl_qUEWz","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Check out this video tutorial for an example. "}}],"version":"2.25.0"}

Formatted Sample Article

{"time":1675434552317,"blocks":[{"id":"OgmEsxdtWm","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"View a sample article with ContentLab's article formatting applied. "}}],"version":"2.25.0"}